"Everyone is welcoming to visitors and new pupils generally settle in very quickly."
Parent Survey March 2021



Our Uniform is as follows and is available from


PL Schoolwear Aylesbury

Unit 1 Goodchild Parkway, Sir Henry Lee Crescent Aylesbury, HP18 0PE


From September 2023

We aim to make our uniform as affordable as possible, while still maintaining a high standard of appearance and a sense of belonging


Standard school uniform: All children

Navy sweatshirt or sweat cardigan with school badge (available from The Print Lab)

White polo shirt with school badge (or plain white polo shirt)

Black tailored school trousers or black school skirt/pinafore (approximately knee length – no Lycra) – available in supermarkets.

Black short or knee length socks, or black tights (not trainer socks)


Plain black, sturdy, waterproof school shoes.

Summer uniform

From the Easter holidays to October half term pupils may wear:

Navy sweatshirt or sweat cardigan with school badge (available from The Print Lab)

White polo shirt with school badge (or plain white polo shirt)

Black tailored school shorts or a blue and white checked school summer dress (from school uniform range at e.g. Tesco, Sainsbury, M&S, Asda etc)

Black ankle or knee length socks (not trainer socks)


Plain black, sturdy, waterproof school shoes.

PE Kit

Plain black jogging bottoms or shorts (no logos or stripes)

Plain black trainers (if school shoes are not suitable for PE)

Children will not change their tops for PE. We expect PE shorts, jogging bottoms and trainers to stay in the children’s lockers and to go home at the end of each half term. If children do not have their PE change of clothes they will do PE in their normal school uniform.


Long hair, and hair which covers the eyes, should be tied back at all times using plain hair bands, slides or ribbons, in black, white or school colours.


Pupils may not wear jewellery in school. Items of jewellery including watches and earrings constitute a hazard on the playground, in the PE Hall and a distraction in classrooms. Children with pierced ears may wear small plain silver or gold studs at parents’ own risk. These should be removed for PE/swimming. If tape is required, it will need to be provided by the parent.

No nail varnish or make-up is permitted.