"You work hard to provide your children with an enriched experience of science that helps them to understand the relevance and value of the subject"
PQSM March 2021


Our SENCO is Mrs Weaver and she can be contacted through the School Office.

Email: office@stedwards.bucks.sch.uk

Tel: 01296 424544

St Edwards SEND Information Report Sept 2024

SEND Graduated Response Portrait

STCAT St Edwards 24 25 SEND Policy

For information about the Local Offer please visit https://familyinfo.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/

Speechlink Parent Portal currently offer free resources to all parents to support them while their children are at home during the coronavirus emergency.

Chatterbox have a great page with lots of resources for pupils with SEN and parents supporting them with home learning: https://chatterpack.net/blogs/blog/list-of-free-speech-language-communication-and-send-resources-for-schools-and-parent-carers

Buckinghamshire Council in partnership with colleagues from Health, FACT Bucks and SEND IAS, we will be running FREE training sessions to support families caring for or professionals working with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

All the specialist trainers have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you. The training is open to professionals from across the Local Authority, health colleagues, schools and parents/carers who are supporting children and young people with SEND.

Click here for the dates and booking details