‘At the heart of every Catholic School is the person of Jesus Christ. This presence of Christ is in the present tense: it is a real presence, in the here and now. Recognition of it impacts on everything a Catholic school is and does, not least its religious education.’
(To know you more clearly - Religious education Directory - 2023)

Our aim for Religious Education at St Edward’s is to enable our pupils to experience the mystery of God, the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Church, the central beliefs held by Catholics and the relationship between faith and life.

Through teaching RE, pupils gain an understanding of religions and worldviews present in the world today and the skills to engage in respectful and fruitful dialogue with those whose worldviews differ from their own.

Through a well planned and delivered Religious Education programme, pupils are enabled to relate the knowledge gained through religious education to their understanding of the wider curriculum.

The new Religious Education Directory published in 2023 is being phased over the next few years, in line with the Bishops’ directive. This will be complete by 2027.

Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from collective worship and religious education but any parent considering this course of action should first make an appointment to see the Head.

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6)

Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven Matthew 5:16

As the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive Colossians 3:13

Love the Lord your God and love your neighbour as yourself Matthew 22:36-40

We follow the Come & See Programme for R.E.