"Members of the pupil parliament were very clear about how things could be improved and had some very good suggestions which they expressed very eloquently"
Ofsted 2018



At St Edward`s the intent of our curriculum is to value, challenge and inspire pupils, adapting it and designing it to meet the needs of all learners and nurturing them to become the best version possible of the person God intended them to be. The broad and balanced curriculum, which is underpinned by the Gospel values, expands their knowledge, deepens their understanding and broadens their horizons opening up possibilities beyond the classroom. Lessons are coherent and sequentially planned and are designed to encourage pupils to develop a lifelong love of learning.


The Implementation of our curriculum

At St Edward`s, the curriculum has been designed around the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and is supported through the use of well designed schemes.   Clear progression documents are used for the foundation subjects to ensure that there is a continued progression of knowledge and skills as the children journey through the year groups.  Alongside this, continuing work on diversity ensures that our curriculum reflects the community which we serve.

All staff are committed to continued curriculum development and are integral to the process, ensuring consistency in how the curriculum is delivered.  We also recognise, however, that each individual teacher and TA will bring their own personal flair, qualities and passion to their respective roles. We acknowledge and value our uniqueness and differences and the fact that we all teach and learn in different ways: at St Edward`s our practices reflect this belief.

In addition to our well planned curriculum we also offer an extensive curriculum for personnel development. 

Direct any curriculum enquiries to Mrs J Heritage