"Everyone is welcoming to visitors and new pupils generally settle in very quickly."
Parent Survey March 2021

Mission Team

‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’

Pupils can apply to be part of The Mission Team. The group is led by the part time school chaplain. Members meet regularly to discuss future projects or complete a particular project.

Some of the jobs of The Mission Team include:

  • setting up and assisting staff and our Priest, during Mass
  • planning and supporting class-based acts of worship
  • editing and updating The School Prayer Book
  • creating guides to e.g. How to Receive Communion
  • setting up and assisting staff in assemblies
  • assisting and leading special days e.g. St Edward’s Feast Day (often outdoors) and Outdoor Stations of the Cross
  • helping with RE displays and key areas around the school
  • being proactive through leading by example
  • maintaining The Mission Team display board
  • attending The Schools’ Mass
  • encouraging staff and pupils in working towards CAFOD led initiatives
  • compiling and maintaining a record of important events in the life of the school